четвер, 21 січня 2016 р.

Stop everything and see this news website

Hello, I'm back again!
    A few months passed since I've posted last time. It was a responsible time for me. Well, firstly, I entered the university! Yes, I need to withstand my freshmen year and so I spent this time working hard. Of course, it was a bit sad that I couldn't post. But I'm not gonna leave my blog! I was really impressed that my blog still has views though I posted nothing new here, and didn't advertise it somehow. Guys, thank you for you reading my blog!!!XOXOXOXO
Some time ago I posted about top 10 websites that have news about Ukraine in English. By the way, I have found a couple more, so I hope I'll add some. If you haven't seen this yet, have a look:

Recently I've visited one of the websites from that list. And guess what? It had a TOTAL REDESIGN! I was so surprised that I want to show it to you.

This website is Ukrinform News. Here is the address: http://www.ukrinform.net/

This is a super-multilingual website. It's worth sharing with people who want to know what's happening in Ukraine now. Here you can read articles in Russian, Ukrainian, English, Spanish, German and even Chinese!!!
I'll tell about English version.

Firstly you'll see top news and the latest news. I can say that this front page has such a delightful design! Aesthetics will find it really great, I guess. Next, there are sections that lead to the political, economical, social, cultural, and military news. Apart from this, sports highlights, crime news and news about the latest accidents are included. 

One of the website's units is dedicated to interviews. You'll find written conversations with people whose experience or activity influences Ukraine. In many ways. 

What I'd recommend you is to read the interview with Vitaliy Kasko, Ukraine's Deputy Prosecutor General. He can tell what's really happening in Ukrainian prosecutor system. 

There's also a photo bank and video section, where you'll find some videos about what happened in Ukraine. 
Apart from articles and news, Ukrinform has another kid in its family: a multimedia platform UA TV. 

You can watch the news in Russian, Ukrainian and read them in English. As news are being told in Ukrainian, they're  been translated in English. Though the text doesn't contain all details, but you'll get the overall meaning. The don't only have the news there. You'll find some informational programs, music videos and so on. Here how it looks like:

The only disadvantage that I have found out is that stuff like analytics, videos and interviews don't seem to refresh often. Some videos are quite old-fashioned and there aren't a lot of fresh ones. This is sad a bit :( 

What's good is that this website is really aesthetic and beautiful. It's light. It's multilingual. It has its own multilingual platform. So I can tell he consists of many little projects, all united by the work of one team :) 
Hope this information inspired you ^^

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