I want to show you one amazing project. It’s called “Warrior’s Music”. This project is aimed to show that Ukrainian army has soul. Musicians-warriors play different musical instruments. They play popular Ukrainian songs.
DUC soldiers plays popular Ukrainin song on sopilka
Actually,you just should watch all these videos. They DO have soul. One warrior plays on sopilka, another plays on kobza. In every video there is something that you won’t feel when you listen to these composition on other chanels. All songs are played be real Ukrainian soldiers. This is really amazing.
These videos unite opposites inside. Military people, who are usually considered as violent, severe and fierce, play lovely, charming and alluring songs. By the way, musical instruments have always been part of our revolutionary life( and not only). Of course, it doesn’t mean that we don’t like music in normal life, but the times now are not so quiet, you see. Piano is one of Euromaidan’s symbol. Piano on Euromaidan was also called “Revolutionary Piano”. In fact, piano on Euromaidan was aimed to create revolution in souls of Berkut. When Hrushevskogo street was blocked by them, people put the piano in the street and played classical music. People wanted to show Berkut that we are peaceful and remind them that they should support people’s rights. And guess what? From Berkut’s side they turned on cheap-made russian songs that russian criminals listened on the 1990th to deafen classical music! Here’s the proof:
Even now you’ll see revolutionary piano near the square of Independence in Kyiv. The original revolutionary piano is blue and yellow and it’s now in the museum named by Pavlo Tychina. But original was replaced by cute red and black version. It’s still there and everyone can play it if he/she wants to do so. If you can, you can also play it, when you’re in Kyiv)))
original piano
New piano
Returning to “Warrior’s music” project, I put all links here so you’ll find it and have fun watching it.
Facebook page of “Warrior’s Music” project:
Member of the Right Sector plays violin and dedicated it to her lover who fights in DUC:
Soldier plays on bandura:
Moonlight Sonata played by soldier of “Donbass” battalion:
Finally, National Ukrainian Anthem played on cello by Ukrainian warrior:
Feel pleasure! Write your impressions in comments!
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