пʼятниця, 31 липня 2015 р.

You have the opportunity to make them pay for it

Picture: Durdon.in.ua

Why are you all so shocked that Russia blocked UN tribunal? I had NO shock. I was sure that it’d be like this. Russia has always behaved like this and she will do so on the future, I’m sure. This country may not change even when many years wil pass. Now there’s another danger.

I want this to be read by as many people as possible. Consider this as Ukrainian’s call not to give up.
  1. Ukraine HAS ALWAYS BEEN ( and will be) FOR creating the tribunal. Why? Because we’re 200% sure that Boeing MH17 was shot BY RUSSIA. Ukraine wants murders to be in prison.Ukraine wants this tragedy to be investigated to the end.
  2. Russia also knows that Boeing was shot by THEIR “BUK”. Why do you think they always lie? Why do you think Churckin’s speech always sounds as if it’s a circus performance of lie? Why did he raise up his damn hand when it was asked:”Who is against?”? THEY KNOW EVERYTHING. They know that when the tribunal is created, their fault will be officically confirmed. Of course, Russia becomes terrified when it  imagine this. Murder is always afraid of verdict and punishment.
  3. It is vitally important for THE WHOLE WORLD( not only for my country) to create the tribunal, present all evidences that show who is guilty and to arrive at verdict. This will be a vaccine for many countries and they’ll see that it’s better not to repeat Russia’s crime.  People commit a crime because they are sure that they'll get away from being puniched.
  4. Do you know another reason why Ukraine wants it to be investigated? It’s all because many innocent people from other countries became victims of evil Kremlin plans and stupidity of Donbas terrorists. They didn’t merit it. Their families and friends didn’t merit it. But it happened. This crash showed that really, Kremlin fu@ks international law and lives of innocent people, who have no connection with Ukraine’s struggle against Russian’s invasion. (Pardon my French)

This is my point of view, and I guess it coinsides with most of Ukrainians. I really call everyone who feels indifferent to speak out. When we make criminal go to prison according to the law, others will get a sigh: “it’s better for you not to repeat it”. This should be a vital sign for Russia to shut up and never direct its muzzles to innocent people.

That’s all for now, guys

Peace for Ukraine
Peace to the world

P.S. I really support the countries who play a huge role in creating the tribunal. The only thing that I ask you is not to give up. It’s hard, but never give up. NEVER.

четвер, 23 липня 2015 р.

Help me in finding inspiration :)

Now I’m writing a post about some famous Ukrainians. Most of people in Ukraine know them, but they may not be so widely known abroad. But they are so great, that it’s really worth knowing them. It just takes a bit of time to write it, but you’ll be able to read it very soon, I promise ;)
But before, I want to create a little survey. You have read some of my posts before( if you didn’t, you have this opportunity now), so you can see the general picture of my blog.I ask for your help. Write your impressions of my blog. Write in comments how do you feel about it, what would you like to know moreabout Ukraine and Ukrainians. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas about possible improvements. Say what you’d like to read about, what you’d like to be explained. Speak your mind, I want to read your thoughts :)
I’ll have a look at them and I’ll try to implement your ideas if they’re nice :)
Waiting for your creative responces and ideas!

пʼятниця, 17 липня 2015 р.

One year ago.MH17.We will never forget.

298 people. 298 lifes. 298 stories had ended just because one person decided he can take a piece of a country, kill about 2500 troops and shoot a plane with foreighners. MH17. We remmember. We will never forget.
Pro-russian terrorist walks around the Boeing MH17

Now whole Ukrainian Facebook also remmembers. Lots of Ukrainian information agencies created reports dedicated to the plane crash. Many different pics in the memory of the crash were created. Here are some of them:

 "The tragedy of MH17
The anniversary of the catastrophy
298 victims, including 80 children
Ukraine remmembers"
Sourse: nvarta.com

"One year after the tragedy of MH17
Ukraine feels sorrow
Ukraine remmembers"

I remmember that moment. I opened my Facebook feed( after Euromaidan I'm a avid fan of it) and read it:
"The terrorists shot the civil plane near Torez. Presumably, 250 people killed."

It was a shock. In a couple of hours most of Ukrainian pages posted addresses of embassies of countries that have people killed there. I also put the flowers, as many people. My friend had put them near the embassy of Holland, and I put them near the embassy of the USA.

All Ukrainians were in shock, I sware. Everyone sympathised Holland,Malasia,Indonesia,the UK,Germany,Belgium,Fillipines,Canada and New Zeland. We know how is it when you loose your citizens. Every single day you can see funerals of Ukrainian soldiers around the country. Personally, I felt that it was all wrong when innocent people and kids from other countries suffer and die in Donbass. But killing them was NOT OUR will. It was the will of a group of people who have ranks and authorities, who sit in Kremlin. Unfortunately, their freakness has lead to so many dead people and people who die now...

A year passed. I really really hope that the investigation will bring their results. I really hope that they will ALL pay. And I should also say thanks to the investigators. Guys, in Ukraine we're watching you and hope that you'll succeed.

 What can I also say? Let the victims rest in peace. In Ukraine we say that people feel better in heaven than on this damn Earth. I think it's true... All people who died there will be ONLY in heaven. As many our guys who died from Russian bullets in Donbass...

середа, 15 липня 2015 р.

Symbol of Freedom. Sergiy Nigoyan

It was cold. He was walking on Hrushevskogo street. He didn’t have any weapon. He was wounded 4 times. We’ll never see his face. But his deep brown eyes could only be seen in some photos and the video where he reads Shevchenko’s poem “Kavkaz”. His name is Sergiy Nigoyan.

His parents are Armenians. They live in Dnipropetrovska oblast’ and moved there after having escaped from Nagorno-Karabakh war. Though Sergiy was Armenian, he was a great patriot. He loved Armenia. He knew the history of his folk and the flag of Armenia hangs in his bedroom. As time passed his patriotism became to be dedicated to Ukraine.Teachers  told that he studied Ukrainan history with avidity. What's more, Sergiy’s Ukrainian patriotism was even stronger that the same feeling of other pupils. Apart from this he loved sport, especially karate. But he wanted to become an actor.

At first his parents didn’t know  that Sergiy went to Maidan. After two days had passed, Nogoyan called his father. He asked:”Where are you?" - ”On the Maydan in Kiev”
- ”Where? Why?...Be careful then. Don’t take part in different confrontations”.

Sergiy didn’t support any political leader, he wasn’t in any radical patriotic organization and no one noticed him in any fights. However, he was widely known on Euromaidan. Nigoyan was a guardsman on one of the barricades. Unlike to other activists, he didn’t talk a lot with others and kept an eye on the situation around. Many people even didn’t know what his name was. The thing many were aware of was that there was the Armenian guy with brown hair and an Armenian flag who was always on duty near Lyadski gates. When people asked him why he was there, he answered in Ukrainian:”This is also my future. I will be living in this country”.
He returned to parent’s home at the beginning on January. Though parents tried to persuade him, they didn’t succeed. “If I don’t go there then who will?”.
22th of January 2014. Sergiy Nogoyan was shot in head, neck and chest. Doctors have been trying to bring him back to life for 20 minutes. Finally, they stated death from lead buckshot. He was buried on 26th of January in Dnipropetrovska oblast’. His coffin was put in the grave while Ukrainian anthem was sounding.
He was the first. When he was killed, we didn’t know that within the month we will know Nebesnya Sotnya(one hundred people killed during 18-20th of February). But it was shock to everyone of us. He had no weapon. People say the only thing he had in his hands was mobile phone.
Now he is the symbol for us. Sergiy really loved Shevchenko and his poems. On Maydan he made a video where he reads popular Shevchenko’s poem “Kavkaz”. Even if you don’t know Ukrainian, you can watch it. After I have watched it, Shevchenko’s words “Борітеся,  поборете” (“Boritesya, poborete” from Ukrainian “Fight and you’ll succeed” ) have new, deep meaning. When I feel clanked, these words help me to gain strength. When I remember him and everyone who was killed by the regime I realize that we have to win. We have to fight. We believe that we’ll succeed. We believed in it when we were fighting on Euromaian. So believed Sergiy. He believed that we’d definitely win. Such a pity he didn't see our victory...

P.S. A couple days ago in Kiev a graffiti was created. It's dedicated to Sergiy. If you’ll be in Kiev, take a look at it. And reread this story. It should be here. Sergiy Nigoyan should be remembered.



неділя, 12 липня 2015 р.

Top 10 Ukrainian news websites in English

Many people want to know news from Ukraine.Unfortunately, it happens that they usually browse Russian news websites,not Ukrainian. Let's figure out why it's vital to read news on Ukrainian,not Russian web pages.
So,guys,I'm going to open a secret: Russian media lies. Yes,they do it with brazenly and shamelessly every single day. So if you want to find out truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth(especially if it is news from Ukraine), here is the top 10 of english-speaking websites and media:
  1. Hromadske International  

Hromadske is a vibrant start-up, founded by a unique team of Ukrainian and foreign journalists. Hromadske survives from the money of the Ukrainians. Everyone can donate and help them. There are multiple videos that explain what is really happening in Ukraine and also different people speaking about Ukraine(and not only) live. I strongly recommend this internet channel ;)
  1. Censor.net  

Censor.net can be read in russian as "no censorship". It was created in 2004. The editorial office wasn't afraid to critisize the regime of Yanuckovich. Of course, it hated journalists of Censor.net. During Euromaidan on the 9th of December 2013 editorial's office was usurped by special forces of the Ministry of special forces. 4 file servers with all amount of information were stolen. Censor.net was one of leading information resource that was writing about Euromaidan. At the moment it is one of the leading internet media that tells about the war between Russia and Ukraine (and not only) in details.
  1. Hromadske Radio

Hromadske Radio (from ukrainian - Public Radio) also survives from donations. It’s also an independent radio broadcaster. They work as a web-radio and focus on a 24 hour a day broadcasting. It’s like Hromadske.tv , but it’s a radio. They have a comfortable website but the only problem is that some news there haven’t been translated on time. So some news may remain in Ukrainian on the website for some time.
  1. Unian

This website contains news itself. They are divided by topics,like politics,ecomony,sport,science,etc. Apart from this, you can also find out blogs of Ukrainian bloggers, activists, deputies and people that want to speak their mind.
  1. Ukrinform

Like UNIAN,Ukrinform also has their English website, but here you’ll find just the news. There’s lack of different blogs, esp blogs of defferent insiders, which is a bit sad. But it’s also a nice option to find all event information uploaded up-to-date.
  1. KyivPost

Now this is what you’ll certainly like. KyivPost isn’t only a news webpage, it’s also an english newspaper about Ukraine. You’ll find on the page where to find it. Moreover, KyivPost includes opinion category and this is great. If you want to find questions about the Ukrainian-Russian war, I strongly recommend you to read a military blog of Dmitry Tymchuk. He explains everything in a perfectly understantable way. Who is he? Well, first of all, he is also a coordinator of an English webpage about Ukraine!
  1. Information Resistance (From Ukrainian - Інформаційний спротив(read as “Informatsiynij Sprotiv”)

Dmitry Tymchuk used to be a military officer. Right now he's a coordinator of Information Resistance. Due to this website, which has a lot of detailed analytic of Ukrainian-Russian conflict, he became one of the most popular Internet figure in Ukraine.Information Resistance is a non-governmental project that aims to counteract external threats to the informational space of Ukraine in the main areas of military, economic, and energy, as well as the sphere of informational security.
It has a lot of analytics of Ukrainian situation, which make it really a worth reading stuff.
  1. IA ZIK

Information Agency ZIK is located in Lviv and has more detailed news about western Ukraine plus global Ukrainian news. The only thing is that news written in english may be a bit “unfresh” but overall you’ll certainly see the latest news on time,maybe their quantity would be smaller.
  1. The Day Newspaper

The day newspaper is a cultural, intelligent and truthful newspaper. It’s chief editor is considered in the same way as her newspaper. On their website you’ll not only find out the latest news, but also read some nice articles about Ukraine in general that include stories about culture, city’s sights, etc.
  1. Ukraine Today

Ukraine Today international information channel was launched on 24 August, 2014. Ever since then, Ukraine Today has been broadcasting news in the English language 24/7.
Based in Kyiv, Ukraine Today headquarters include a newsroom, technical capacity and an experienced team of Ukrainian, British, American and Canadian editors and journalists.

They also cooperate with other Ukrainian television broadcasting stations including 1+1, The First National TV Channel, Hromadske International and others. Selected programs and documentary films are adapted then distributed further through us. It means that you can not only read the news from Ukraine in English but also watch them live. What’s more, UAToday also has IOS and Android apps so it’ll be really easy to read english-written news on the go.