Picture: Durdon.in.ua
Why are you all so shocked that Russia blocked UN tribunal? I had NO shock. I was sure that it’d be like this. Russia has always behaved like this and she will do so on the future, I’m sure. This country may not change even when many years wil pass. Now there’s another danger.
I want this to be read by as many people as possible. Consider this as Ukrainian’s call not to give up.
- Ukraine HAS ALWAYS BEEN ( and will be) FOR creating the tribunal. Why? Because we’re 200% sure that Boeing MH17 was shot BY RUSSIA. Ukraine wants murders to be in prison.Ukraine wants this tragedy to be investigated to the end.
- Russia also knows that Boeing was shot by THEIR “BUK”. Why do you think they always lie? Why do you think Churckin’s speech always sounds as if it’s a circus performance of lie? Why did he raise up his damn hand when it was asked:”Who is against?”? THEY KNOW EVERYTHING. They know that when the tribunal is created, their fault will be officically confirmed. Of course, Russia becomes terrified when it imagine this. Murder is always afraid of verdict and punishment.
- It is vitally important for THE WHOLE WORLD( not only for my country) to create the tribunal, present all evidences that show who is guilty and to arrive at verdict. This will be a vaccine for many countries and they’ll see that it’s better not to repeat Russia’s crime. People commit a crime because they are sure that they'll get away from being puniched.
- Do you know another reason why Ukraine wants it to be investigated? It’s all because many innocent people from other countries became victims of evil Kremlin plans and stupidity of Donbas terrorists. They didn’t merit it. Their families and friends didn’t merit it. But it happened. This crash showed that really, Kremlin fu@ks international law and lives of innocent people, who have no connection with Ukraine’s struggle against Russian’s invasion. (Pardon my French)
This is my point of view, and I guess it coinsides with most of Ukrainians. I really call everyone who feels indifferent to speak out. When we make criminal go to prison according to the law, others will get a sigh: “it’s better for you not to repeat it”. This should be a vital sign for Russia to shut up and never direct its muzzles to innocent people.
That’s all for now, guys
Peace for Ukraine
Peace to the world
P.S. I really support the countries who play a huge role in creating the tribunal. The only thing that I ask you is not to give up. It’s hard, but never give up. NEVER.